What is DR10 Insurance?
DR10 insurance refers to a specialist type of car insurance for drivers who have received a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol. This is also known as a ‘drink-driving conviction’.
A DR10 endorsement is added to the driver’s licence and stays there for 11 years. As a result, it can be expensive for individuals with drink driving convictions and a DR10 endorsement to find insurance cover
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What is a DR10 Conviction?
A DR10 conviction is a serious driving offence recorded on a driver’s licence when they are found guilty of driving or attempting to drive with an alcohol level above the legal limit. This type of conviction is not taken lightly in the UK. It can lead to severe penalties including a driving ban, hefty fines, and significantly increased insurance costs.
When a driver receives a DR10 conviction, it remains on their driving record for 11 years from the date of the offence. During this period, it is considered an unspent conviction, meaning that drivers must disclose it to insurance providers when seeking car insurance. Failing to do so can result in an invalid policy, leaving the driver unprotected.
Insurance providers view drivers with a drink driving conviction as high-risk, which often results in higher insurance premiums. The increase in insurance costs can vary based on factors such as the driver’s age, driving record, and other personal details. On average, a DR10 conviction can cause insurance premiums to spike significantly, sometimes by as much as 121% for a 50-year-old driver.
For convicted drivers, it’s crucial to shop around and compare insurance quotes from multiple providers. Specialist convicted insurance providers that cater to convicted drivers may offer more competitive rates. Additionally, some providers offer telematics policies, which can help lower insurance costs by basing premiums on driving behaviour and mileage.
In summary, a DR10 conviction is a serious offence that can lead to increased insurance costs and a driving ban. Drivers with a DR10 must disclose it to insurance providers and diligently compare insurance quotes to find the best possible rates.
Why Might You Get A DR10?
When caught drink driving, a driver will be charged and 1 of 2 conviction codes placed upon your licence.
- Driving or attempting to drive whilst under the influence of alcohol. This is the most common type of drink driving conviction. Drivers must have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of over 80 milligrams per 100 millilitres of blood for this conviction code.
- Being in charge of a vehicle whilst over the legal limit. This conviction applies to drivers who may not have actually driven the vehicle but who are in charge of the vehicle.
If found guilty of either, a driver will instantly be awarded with a DR10 which will result in a driving ban, a court fine, higher insurance premiums in the future and in extreme cases, potential imprisonment.
It is also worth noting that having a drink driving conviction is likely to have a huge impact on employability. If wanting to become a taxi driver, self-employed courier or lorry driver, it is likely to be impossible until the conviction code drops off. Additionally, it is crucial to notify your insurance provider about the conviction to avoid further complications.
When Does A DR30 Conviction Code Apply?
A DR30 conviction code is awarded to a driver who refuses to give a sample to police when caught driving under the influence.
Because the driver failed or refused to give a sample, it is not possible to ascertain what the driver was driving whilst in excess of. As such, a DR30 is awarded to the driver along with a greater fine and driving ban.
There are other drink drive motoring conviction codes that can be applied to your driving licence. These include: DR10, DR20, DR30, DR40, DR50, DR60 & DR70.
How Does DR10 Insurance Work?
DR10 insurance works by providing cover for drivers who have received a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol. Since a DR10 endorsement stays on a driver’s licence for 11 years, it can be difficult and expensive for individuals with a DR10 endorsement to find insurance cover.
Policies are designed to provide the required coverage for drivers with DR10 convictions, but this typically comes at a higher cost than standard car insurance policies. This higher cost is a result of the increased risk associated with insuring a driver who has been convicted of drunk driving.
DR10 car insurance policies typically include coverage for liability, personal injury, and damage to property, although this will depend on the level of cover chosen.
Some policies may also include optional extras such as breakdown cover and no-claims protections. It’s important to compare different DR10 quotes to find the best cover and cost for your individual needs.
What’s Covered By DR10 Car Insurance?
Your DR10 car insurance quotes will either cover the below as standard or can be added as an additional extra:
Are DR10 Car Insurance Policies Expensive?
Drivers with a DR10 do generally face higher insurance premiums whilst the conviction code is present on their licence, as many insurance providers are hesitant to offer coverage to such drivers.
Like standard car insurance though, other factors will influence the cost of insurance such as: age, driving history (claims for instance), type of vehicle and location.
Although having a DR10 will increase premiums, especially for the first few years, you can still obtain a well priced policy. Specialist drink driving insurance brokers will look more at other areas of your driving history in order to provide a quote. For instance, if you have never had a claim, you drive a low priced car and live in a low crime area, then you may well still get a sensible priced car insurance.
When applying for insurance, make sure that you don’t under insure the vehicle as this could leave you out of pocket in the event of a claim.
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