Listed Building Home Insurance

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Listed Building Home Insurance

What is Listed Building Home Insurance?

Listed building home insurance is a special type of insurance that considers historic features and significance of a property should an event occur that causes damage. These properties are typically more expensive to repair due to specialist materials, so it is vital to ensure you are fully covered.

Owning a listed building is a really special thing. It’s a piece of history or importance. That’s why it’s so important that it is properly protected with the right insurance policy.

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Listed Building Home Insurance

What our Comparison Expert Says

‘Insuring a listed building can be a complex task and requires good understanding from an insurance specialist. It really is worth taking the time to speak with a dedicated broker to ensure you insure your listed home properly but don’t pay more than you have too!’

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What Does Listed Building Insurance Cover?

Listed buildings insurance cover will vary depending on the provider you choose, so it is always wise to compare policies and options when you are choosing which is best for you.

Very often, listed building insurance will work in the same way as standard home insurance. The difference is typically in the costs covered for procuring special materials or specialist contractors in the case of repair.

Listed building insurance will usually cover:

  • Fire damage
  • Flooding or storm damage
  • Escape of water or burst pipes
  • Naturally occurring damage (from fallen trees or debris)
  • Vandalism
  • Subsidence

Listed buildings cover won’t often cover more general maintenance considered part of the building’s ageing. This can be general wear and tear or even things like neglected maintenance or pest control.

Add Ons For Listed Building Cover

Of course, as with any home insurance policy, there are specifics that can be covered as add-ons. Some of these may be more relevant than others and might depend on the grade or use of the listed building.

Accidental damage falls under this umbrella. With things like broken windows in older houses often costing more to repair than modern homes, it can be an excellent addition to a policy.

Contents cover can also often be added to a listed building policy. This may be important if the graded building you are insuring also contains antiques or older furniture that would be expensive or difficult to replace.

Legal cover and unoccupied property insurance might be an option for some. This will protect you should you find any legal difficulties with repairs or claims. It will also protect you if the property has been unoccupied for a period of time longer than 30 days.

How Much Does Listed Building Cover Cost?

It can be difficult to determine an average cost for listed building insurance. With such a huge range in size, value, and historic significance, there is no one correct answer.

Materials used for the building will absolutely impact the cost of the policy as they can be harder to replicate and require a specially skilled team for repairs. A thatched roof repair following a fire, for example, would require a specialist team.

As a general rule, the older a property is, (and the more unique its architectural features,) the higher the insurance cost will be.

The best way to gauge prices for listed building insurance is to speak to a broker or use a quote comparison site to get an idea of what a good deal would look like for your building.

Is it More Expensive to Insure a Listed Building?

It is usually more expensive to insure a listed building. As an owner of a listed building, you have the responsibility of keeping it maintained. This can mean sourcing expensive materials or specialist contractors which can be costly.

Of course, every policy is different, and it is absolutely worth comparing your options to be sure you are getting a good deal.

What Qualifies As A Listed Building?

A number of features can qualify a building for “listed” status. Typically these are special architectural features or the site having a historical significance or interest. Most often, listed buildings will be well over 30 years old with many of them being much older.

In England, there are a couple of ways that a building can become listed. Historic England can choose a building, based on a number or criteria, or it can be nominated. Historic England has the difficult job of protecting the country’s historic environment, and buildings are a key part of that.

Types of Listed Buildings

In England, there are around 500,000 buildings currently listed under one of three main categories.

  • Grade I: Buildings of exceptional interest. Only around 2.5% of listed buildings are classified as Grade I. These are highly protected buildings, often churches, castles and country homes. 45% of all Grade I listed buildings in the UK are described as places of worship although others include The Royal Albert Docks and the Clifton Suspension Bridge.
  • Grade II*: Particularly important buildings of more than special interest. 5.5% of all listed buildings are considered part of this category. Battersea Power Station is an example of a Grade II* listed building.
  • Grade II: Structures that are of special interest. 92% of all listed buildings fall into this category. Most homes that are listed buildings will be Grade II along with other interesting locations such as Abbey Road Studios.

The grade of a building is typically based on its age and rarity, its aesthetic or architectural merits, and its national (or international) interest.

In Scotland, Categories A, B and C are used rather than the English grading system.

It is possible to search for listed building on the historic England website.

Why Is It Important To Understand The Type Of Listed Building You Own?

The type of listed building you own will not only dictate the type of insurance you need, but it will also impact the general maintenance work that can be carried out on the building.

Understanding the protections and reasoning for your building’s grade may help you to better protect it.

Maintaining A Listed Building

To maintain the beauty of a listed home, it will need to be regularly maintained. This not only helps to keep up the aesthetic appeal, but it can also help to avoid insurance claims and damages.

In older homes, small issues can very easily evolve into larger, more costly problems. Keeping on top of basic repairs is really important. To help, many use maintenance checklists that they regularly work through to ensure nothing is missed. This can include weather related checks to the roof, any drains or guttering and even checking for signs of damp or water penetration.

Flooding is a huge issue for homeowners in the winter, and many are insured for it. Listed buildings, unfortunately, do not escape the wrath of mother nature. They therefore need sufficient cover to be able to deal with these problems, particularly where older buildings might be more prone to water damage or the effects of significant rainfall.

Do I Need Listed Building Insurance?

If you own a listed building, then listed building home insurance is extremely important. Listed buildings are generally older and therefore often made of slightly different materials. In the case of an emergency you will need to be able to turn to your insurers for these, typically, more expensive repairs.

Many listed buildings will require specialist insurance policies. This is to ensure costs are covered should repairs be needed. It is always essential to be transparent with details when finding an insurance policy to make sure your home and contents are completely covered in the event of an emergency.

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